How does the main character feel about clicksters in the begining of the fiif?
She don't like the website at first.
What is her family situations>
she has situations
her relationships
their financial status
How does taylor react to the mean comments people posting about her?
She got depressed and wanted to committ suicide
Does she ever try to stop people form posting insults?
No she couldn't.
What could she have done differently?
Probably wrote the mean things on a paper then threw it away.
How do you think taylor felt about her friends betryaing her?
At first she was shacoked and really sad but learned to firgive.
What kind of changes do you see taylor experience through the film?
She don't like the website at first.
What is her family situations>
she has situations
her relationships
their financial status
How does taylor react to the mean comments people posting about her?
She got depressed and wanted to committ suicide
Does she ever try to stop people form posting insults?
No she couldn't.
What could she have done differently?
Probably wrote the mean things on a paper then threw it away.
How do you think taylor felt about her friends betryaing her?
At first she was shacoked and really sad but learned to firgive.
What kind of changes do you see taylor experience through the film?
- sort of happy
- sad
- depressed
- counseling classes
- wrath
- forgiveness
(Wasnt here)
i think this is a really good blog and i give it a ten