Monday, October 25, 2010

Janelle s 12

The age of stupid
This is a documentary is about how humans have used their resources really dumbly. I saw in Africa that they wern't getting all the resources they needed. Their goverment was stealiing their money. All the oil that they had was getting burned off. So people were getting Asthma, Brochitis, and many other skin diseases. All of our oil will be destroyed and burned in the next 40-50 years. I know it doesn't matter to you but think about it . Your grandchildren will die from starvation because they cant eat. Their tranportation will no longer be here. So they will just sit in a cold,dark house.We haven't been enviormental friendly. Wind fans need to be speeded up but are being slowed down. THEY SAID NO TO TRUCKS and had rode bikes to town. Many people are trying to help but, it's not enough we need everyone to pitch in. Our climate change solution is a global cap it helps us have equal rights.I don't know exactly what it does though. Anyways around 2060 we will wing ourselves out. Everyone in the future will blame us.Then they will be discusted by you because you were to stupid to realize what you are causing. They main thing though is the oil and war that is causing our world to slowly but surley die.

1 comment:

  1. I thought the same thing about the movie with all the carrupt goverment and the polluting.
